Wednesday October 1
Canadian Autism Awareness Month
Character Trait: COMPASSION
Cyber Awareness Month
German Heritage Month
Hungarian Heritage Month
Islamic Heritage Month
Korean Heritage Month
Latin American and Hispanic Heritage Month
Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
National Child Abuse Prevention Month <https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/preventing/preventionmonth/>
Women's History Month
Women's History Month October is Women’s History Month in Canada! It’s a time for Canadians to celebrate the achievements of women and girls throughout our history and recognize the trailblazing women who have shaped our country and way of life.
Make your mark
When women and girls bring their passion, energy and talents to everything they do, there is no stopping them!
Looking back over the past 150 years since Confederation, countless women have done exactly that: harnessed their power, found their voice, and claimed their place in our country’s proud history.
Because of their efforts and those of the many women who have followed in their footsteps, we’ve made amazing strides toward gender equality and women’s empowerment over the past 150 years. But there is still more work to do: barriers still exist, and sexism and discrimination continue to impact and shape the lives of too many Canadians.
Change is possible, but we can’t do it alone.
As we look to the future, we must lift each other up so that everyone has the chance to claim their place and reach their full potential. Together, we can create a Canada where every woman and girl has the chance to let her unique power shine through and make her mark.
Today, women, girls, men, and boys continue the quest for equality and inclusion in all areas of Canadian life.
Honour their actions and celebrate the courageous women and girls who inspire you to #ClaimYourPlace.
Join the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #ClaimYourPlace and share photos, videos and words of inspiration. Share your stories of finding your voice on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Tell the world how you #ClaimYourPlace!
Women's History Month <https://cfc-swc.gc.ca/commemoration/whm-mhf/theme-en.html>
Women's History Month <https://cfc-swc.gc.ca/commemoration/whm-mhf/theme-en.html> October is Women’s History Month in Canada! It’s a time for Canadians to celebrate the achievements of women and girls throughout our history and recognize the trailblazing women who have shaped our country and way of life.
Make your mark
When women and girls bring their passion, energy and talents to everything they do, there is no stopping them!
Looking back over the past 150 years since Confederation, countless women have done exactly that: harnessed their power, found their voice, and claimed their place in our country’s proud history.
Because of their efforts and those of the many women who have followed in their footsteps, we’ve made amazing strides toward gender equality and women’s empowerment over the past 150 years. But there is still more work to do: barriers still exist, and sexism and discrimination continue to impact and shape the lives of too many Canadians.
Change is possible, but we can’t do it alone.
As we look to the future, we must lift each other up so that everyone has the chance to claim their place and reach their full potential. Together, we can create a Canada where every woman and girl has the chance to let her unique power shine through and make her mark.
Today, women, girls, men, and boys continue the quest for equality and inclusion in all areas of Canadian life.
Honour their actions and celebrate the courageous women and girls who inspire you to #ClaimYourPlace.
Join the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #ClaimYourPlace and share photos, videos and words of inspiration. Share your stories of finding your voice on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Tell the world how you #ClaimYourPlace!
Thursday October 2
National Custodial Workers' & Maintenance Staff Day
Friday October 3
World Smile Day <http://www.worldsmileday.com/>
Saturday October 4
National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQ+ People
National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQ+ People First Nations, Inuit, Métis
Sunday October 5
World Teachers' Day
World Teachers' Day < https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r/eventedit/NzVrMnF2NnNpcGRqZ2FybHZzbzlmZG45cHNfMjAyMDEwMDUgdGxkc2IubmV0X2QyYmhiM2c4NWtpZTkxNXZuczZnazYxdm5rQGc>
Monday October 6
Fire Prevention Week <https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/Staying-safe/Preparedness/Fire-Prevention-Week>
Tuesday October 7
Wednesday October 8
Thursday October 9
Friday October 10
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day <http://www.who.int/mental_health/world-mental-health-day/en/>
Saturday October 11
International Day of the Girl Child
National Coming Out Day
Sunday October 12
Monday October 13
Tuesday October 14
Wednesday October 15
Global Dignity Day <https://globaldignity.org/global-dignity-day/#targetText=Global%20Dignity%20Day,celebrating%20all%20that%20unites%20us!>
National Take Me Outside Day <https://takemeoutside.ca/tmoday/>
Thursday October 16
Boss's Day
World Food Day <https://www.worldfooddaycanada.ca/about/>
Friday October 17
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
Saturday October 18
Persons Day
October 18 is Persons Day in Canada.
It marks the day in 1929 when the historic decision to include women in the legal definition of “persons” was handed down by Canada’s highest court of appeal. This gave some women the right to be appointed to the Senate of Canada and paved the way for women’s increased participation in public and political life. Though this decision did not include all women, such as Indigenous women and women of Asian heritage and descent, it did mark critical progress in the advancement of gender equality in Canada. Learn more: https://www.canada.ca/en/women-gender-equality/commemorations-celebrations/womens-history-month/persons-day.html
Sunday October 19
Monday October 20
Installation of the Guru Granth Sahib
Installation of the Guru Granth Sahib
National Waste Reduction Week <https://www.rcbc.ca/events/waste-reduction-week#targetText=Waste%20Reduction%20Week%202019%20-%20October%2021-27&targetText=Since%202001%2C%20National%20Waste%20Reduction,territorial%20jurisdictions%20across%20the%20country.>
World Statistics Day <http://www.un.org/en/events/statisticsday/>
Tuesday October 21
International Day for the Elimination of Racism
Local Government Week
Local Government Week October 20 – 26, 2024
School board trustees are the oldest form of elected representation in Ontario. Since 1807, generations of community-minded citizens have made decisions on behalf of local, publicly funded schools, building the foundation of our system today.
Our board of trustees sets our vision, develops policies, allocates resources, and sets the goals that lay the foundation driving programs and operations in the board. Collectively, they create our multi-year strategic plan for student achievement and well-being and recruit and monitor the performance of the Director of Education to ensure our progress in meeting our goals.
The next Municipal and School Board Election occurs on October 26, 2026. In advance of this, trustees can provide an important first-hand learning experience that fits well with the Social Studies and Civics curricula.
Local Government Week events in our schools may also include students observing school boards in session or holding mock municipal elections. Our schools are being encouraged to include this educational opportunity in their events calendar.
The social media hashtag for Local Government Week is #LGWOnt, so be sure to use it if you’re tweeting or posting a photo on Instagram or Facebook.
Wednesday October 22
DECE Appreciation Day <https://www.childcareontario.org/ccwad_2020>
Thursday October 23
Friday October 24
United Nations Day <http://www.un.org/en/events/unday/>
Saturday October 25
Sunday October 26
Monday October 27
Dress Purple Day
Every October, OACAS and Children’s Aid Societies raise awareness about how to identify and help prevent child abuse. One of the campaign’s key goals is to educate communities and key partners about how calling a Children’s Aid Society is one of the most effective ways to prevent child abuse. As part of this campaign OACAS and member CASs work closely with school boards, schools, and community partners on a provincial “DRESS PURPLE DAY.”
Tuesday October 28
Wednesday October 29
Thursday October 30
Friday October 31
Reformation Day