Macaulay School Council

Minutes from October 7th, 2024


Becky Belcher called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and the following were recorded as being present.

Parents: Becky Belcher, Krista Shelly, Shannon Bell, Kathy West, Kim Peterson,

Samantha Welch, Avery Pawelek, Brian Andreasen, Dave Hallet, Sarah Maki, Emily Carty, Tania Steele

Student Council Co-Chairs Trey, Bryer & Christina



Becky welcomed the group to the meeting.

Introductions were made around the table


The agenda was approved.

Minutes from last month’s meeting were approved.



-more bake sales – they make money and kids like them

-limited number of days we can have them. The school only has 10 days for noncompliant

nutrition days. Other things like BBQs add to these noncompliant days.

-more activities – asking for supervision on afterschool programs like volleyball

-Acting Club

-Host a “Winter Fest” for kindies & intermediates

Spirit Day Ideas

-“Rhyme without Reason”

-Nationality Day

Leaving the Property? 7&8s have up until Thanksgiving, then after we will determine if it’s appropriate

Posting a Leader Board – kids can sign up for tech crew, assembly aids, different leader jobs

Trey would like to put up a suggestion box

5. PRINCIPAL UPDATE – From Tania Steele

School Organization:

• Mrs Hickling hire for the 6/7

• Mrs Matthews hire for DECE position 0.5

• We will be hiring the other 0.5 DECE position

• Mental Health Counselor: Meghann Gould

• Teacher Learning Coach: Heather Lipskie


• Grade 6s went to camp Muskoka last week

• 2 classes went to the water festival in Kinark.

• Grade 4/5s to the leaf’s practice.

• Book Fair is starting 22 of Oct. to coincide with the Halloween Howler.

• Today we launched our whole school community learning on the Anishinaabe Seven Grandfather

Teachings. We were honoured to welcome Oshkaabewis Dave Rice from Wasauksing First Nation

and Anishinaabe-Kwe Tabitha Lamoureux from Beausoleil First Nation to share their knowledge

with our school community. This learning started today with a whole school assembly.

• Tomorrow, I will be meeting with our school’s Directions Team. This team includes : Jerri Knight,

Megan Jones, Brandy Fry, Heather Lipskie (TLC) and myself. Together we set the learning vision

for the year. We look and analyze our data; both academic and wellness (EQAO/Report

Card/reading foundations and Math fundamentals, climate surveys, attendance etc.) and create

our school improvement plan to support the Board Strategic Plan.

• Parents of kindergarten to grade 2 students will receive a letter this week explaining that as per

memorandum #168 mandated through the ministry of Education that we will be administering an

early reading screener. This screener will help identify students who are experiencing difficulties

with reading.

EQAO Results:

Grade 3

Reading 91.2%

Writing 82.4%

Math 88.2

Grade 6

Reading 88.9 %

Writing 86.1 %

Math 72.2 %



BBQ at Evan Lukar – Funds will go towards Academica & Athletic Opportunities.

-this is also pizza day.

-the kids who are coming from other schools were buying most of the bbq and the bake sale,

shouldn’t be a problem.

Krispy Crème

-launched today

-12 days for orders to come in

-very limited quantities

-3:15-5 pm pick up for doughnuts


-Will have a Howler Meeting on Zoom later this week. (Thursday)

-$5 per kid

-engagement event where we can bring in families.

-YIGs to donated classroom pumpkins

-40 pizzas, $2.50 a slice and then sell extra pies for $10 a pie at the end.


-would be delivered by Nov 27 th

Family Skate

-free for families

-pizza, bake sale, kids shopping corner

-contact the new area and see if we can hold it there

-no date yet, try to be closer to the beginning of December


-taking a hiatus this year

Science North

-funded through “FedNor” – free to us

-Becky will reach out

Read a Thon

-January 27 th is literacy day

-try to do a read-a-thon

-money goes straight to the school, not to companies.


– $7,00 in the bank account from June

– Some of this should be moved

– Balance needs to reflect $2500 for the beginning of the year

– The extra will move to legacy fund

– Outstanding amount of the slide is about 7k – less than we thought- board will give the HST back

to us

– $16,100 in legacy, but the slide has yet to come out


1. Arts Performance

-performance through an indigenous POV

-show our own learning through this – i.e. creating a medicine wheel using different types of

mediums, all classes participate.

-open to the community

2. Upgrading Tarmac Paint

-more four square, hopscotch, bike trail

-put it on the walls

-could be part of playground improvement

3. Classroom Whiteboards & amp; Markers

-$160 per classroom

-need a set of 30

4. Refresh Recess Equipment

-one set per glass

-write the class number

-most classes exhausted their equipment

-worked out well

5. New Library Novels $250


Parking at Pick Up & Dorp Off

-may need to start getting parent volunteers to help direct traffic

-Call bylaw and police – police won’t come unless there are road blockages, bylaw takes forever to get here

-Avery has accepted role as Secretary


-Outdoor Equipment for each class around $935

Motioned by Krista, seconded by Kim

-Whiteboards, class sets with HST will be around $180

Motioned by Kim, seconded by Sam

-Tarmac Painting – we will wait until the spring

-$250 for new novels at the library

Motioned by Sarah, second by Avery


-meeting adjourned at 7:20pm

Next meeting December 2nd at 6:00pm

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Macaulay Public School

1270 Cedar Lane, Bracebridge, ON P1L 0L4

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School Schedule
8:45 a.m.
Block 1
8:45 a.m.
Nutrition break 1 (K-Gr 3)
10:45 a.m.
Recess 1 (Gr 4-8)
10:45 a.m.
Nutrition break 1 (Gr 4-8)
11:05 a.m.
Recess 1 (K-Gr 3)
11:05 a.m.
Block 2
11:25 a.m.
Nutrition break 1 (K-Gr 3)
12:45 p.m.
Recess 1 (Gr 4-8)
12:45 p.m.
Nutrition break 1 (Gr 4-8)
1:05 p.m.
Recess 1 (K-Gr 3)
1:05 p.m.
Block 3
1:25 p.m.
3:05 p.m.

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