Welcome Back!

Welcome to all of our new and returning families. I am so happy to be back with you again this year. The staff at Macaulay are working hard to set up the school and routines creating a warm and welcoming environment that will allow your children to feel a part of our community. 

There are some important things you should know about your child’s first day. Please take the time to read the following information. The return to school can be both an exciting and anxiety-inducing time in your child’s life. Taking time over the weekend to prepare for wake-up/bedtime changes and other routines is especially important this September. 

OUR SCHOOL DAY:  The day begins at 8:45AM and ends at 3:05PM

MATERIALS: Please send your child with a backpack, a lunch, and indoor running shoes. They are welcome to bring their own pencil crayons/markers but it is not necessary.  

ABSENCES/LATE ARRIVALS/EARLY PICKUPS: Please email [email protected]  if your child will be absent from school. Include your child(rens) name, classroom teacher and reason for absence (such as illness, appointment). You can also call safe arrival at 705-645-1918. If your child is going to be picked up early please let the office know by 2:30 pm. 

LUNCH/RECESS: “Boomerang” lunch – anything that comes to school, goes home each day. Please send a labeled water bottle. Drinking fountains and bottle filling stations are available throughout the school. Pizza will be sold on Thursdays with more information to come. 

OUTDOOR LEARNING: Gym classes will be held both inside and outside. Please come to school prepared for the weather. Students will still go outside when it’s lightly raining during recess and gym class.   


  • Supervision on the yard starts at 8:25. PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF YOUR CHILD PRIOR TO THIS TIME. Please use the left lane for quick “kiss and ride” goodbyes. The right lane is only for the buses. 
  • If you are picking up your child(ren) at the end of the day, please meet them on the South Field.


  • We have one set of washrooms currently being renovated. Unfortunately due to some unforeseeable issues, the completion date has been postponed. We are hopeful for an end of September completion. This means that we will be down a set of washrooms. To compensate for this, there will be trailers of 2/3 individual self contained stalls located at different locations in our school yard. These washrooms will be designated for grade 4-8 students to use.  The indoor washrooms will be for our younger learners grade 1-3. Our Kindergarten students will use the washrooms located in their classroom.

PERSONAL MOBILE DEVICES: On August 29, all families were sent the updated Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) Handbook via SchoolMessenger, which highlighted the updated expectations and consequences related to personal mobile device use.

At Macaulay Public School, this means that personal mobile devices (phones, tablets, and smartwatches) are to be turned off or on silent and put away. Your child’s teachers will be going through what the expectations are specifically in their classroom. If a student needs to be in contact with a parent/guardian, we have a system already in place through the school’s main office. 

As a staff, we are committed to creating a school that is safe for all and classrooms that are free of the distraction of personal mobile devices. We know that when devices are turned off or on silent and put away, the instructional day will consist of more meaningful social interaction with peers and staff.

Please remind your child(ren) of the expectation that their personal mobile device(s) must be turned off or set to silent and put away. If these expectations are not followed, progressive discipline steps will be taken.

If there are any questions or concerns, please contact me.

The entire staff at Macaulay appreciate your continued support in your child’s education.


Tania Steele, Principal


Appropriate Use of Technology and Technology Services Policy and Procedure

TLDSB Code of Conduct Policy and Procedure

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School calendar

Safe @ School

Report form


School registration


Transportation info.

Macaulay Public School

1270 Cedar Lane, Bracebridge, ON P1L 0L4

Contact Us

School Schedule
8:45 a.m.
Block 1
8:45 a.m.
Nutrition break 1 (K-Gr 3)
10:45 a.m.
Recess 1 (Gr 4-8)
10:45 a.m.
Nutrition break 1 (Gr 4-8)
11:05 a.m.
Recess 1 (K-Gr 3)
11:05 a.m.
Block 2
11:25 a.m.
Nutrition break 1 (K-Gr 3)
12:45 p.m.
Recess 1 (Gr 4-8)
12:45 p.m.
Nutrition break 1 (Gr 4-8)
1:05 p.m.
Recess 1 (K-Gr 3)
1:05 p.m.
Block 3
1:25 p.m.
3:05 p.m.

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